Weight Loss
We’ve sorted through a wide variety of weight loss programs to bring you Shake it – a natural, healthy way to lose weight.
- The only true Practitioner only weight management program.
- Practitioner support for sustained results.
- Unique protein combination to improve satiety and muscle growth.
- Better compliance with improved flavors.
- 3 in 5 Australian adults are overweight or obese – that’s over 12 million people!
What is Shake It?
- A Simple, Healthy Dietary Program
- High in low carbohydrate, low GI vegetables
- Lean protein eaten with every meal and snack
- Includes moderate levels of healthy oils – One Meal Replacement Per Day
- Low carbohydrate protein based supplements
- Shakes, soup and bars
- Ideal as convenient snacks
- Run by Qualified Healthcare Practitioners
- Tailored program for each patient
- Practitioner advice to overcome obstacles
- Motivation, troubleshooting and support
Kestos Body Slimming Treatment
Designed by a team of engineers, beauticians and physiotherapists Kestos is revolutionary technology that combines the joint action of thermostimulation and electrostimulation to help you to achieve fast, effective and lasting weight loss.
The important effects of Electrostimulation are:
- Muscular toning and firming
- Stimulation of the peripheral circulation
- Improved skin trophicity
- Slimming and reshaping
- General benefits gained from exercise such as general wellbeing, strengthening and immunity
The important effects of Thermostimulation are:
Improved blood and lymphatic circulation
Preperation of the muscles and muscular excitation
Improved cellular nutrition and oxygen supply
Increased metabolic rate
Pain relief, relaxes muscles
Kestos has a number of programs to help you achieve your specific goals
- Obesity
- Cellulite
- Increase metabolism
- Firming / toning
- Analgesia
- Lymphatic drainage
- Improve circulation
Sessions $85.00 (45 minute session)
Initial Weight loss consultation with Bio-impedance Analysis Test $95.00
There are five Detoxication Programs – The Express Detox Program, The Integrated Detox and three Specialised variations. Your Practitioner will recommend the program that is most suited to your health needs and will tailor your detoxification so that you can achieve the best possible results. Throughout the chosen program, your Practitioner will prescribe nutritional and herbal formulas with dietary and lifestyle guidelines to support and enhance your detoxification processes. Your individual product prescription and the duration of treatment will vary depending on which program is appropriate; however dietary and lifestyle guidelines remain consistent for all the detox programs.
Your Practitioner will select one of the following detoxification programs, tailored to your individual health needs:
- Express Detox Program: The Express Detox may be recommended for individuals who are simply aiming to optimise their current state of good health and do not suffer from digestive or chronic health concerns. This short two week detox may be appropriate for those who are essentially well, but who have recently overindulged. It is also ideal as a regular spring clean detox after having completed one of the Integrated or Specialised Detoxification programs previously, to keep you well in the long term.
- Integrated Detox Program: A four week program suitable for most patients to improve their digestive health, liver function and overall health and wellbeing. This program is appropriate for those with general digestive or health imbalances and may aid in supporting healthy intestinal microbial balance.
- Specialised Gut Detox: An extended six week detoxification program ideal for those who suffer from chronic or extensive digestive symptoms, or experience digestive conditions and imbalances in gut flora that negatively impact on health and wellbeing.
- Specialised Liver Detox: An extended six week detoxification program may be recommended to those with a high level of chemical exposure or who require additional liver support to improve health.
- Specialised Chelation Detox: An extended six week detoxification program to support those exposed to heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, mercury or cadmium. This program enhances the removal of heavy metals.
- Pregnancy: Detoxification should not be attempted during pregnancy. If you fall pregnant while doing a detox you should stop the program and contact your Practitioner. If you are planning to conceive, it is however, a very good idea for both partners to detoxify before pregnancy. Eggs and sperm take three to four months to develop, so you should aim to have completed your detox at least four months prior to conception.
- Medication: Many prescription medications can be affected by the detoxification process. However, it is unusual that you will need to alter the dosage of the medication you are taking; you may just need to separate the doses away from your detox supplements. Your Practitioner will be able to advise you if the medication you are taking will be affected by your detox, and if this is the case, will provide recommendations on what to do. Be sure to inform your Practitioner of any medication you are taking before you start your detox.
- Side effects: Occasionally people may experience adverse symptoms during a detoxification program, such as nausea, changes in bowel function or headaches. Generally these are short term and will resolve without need for intervention; however, you should discuss them with your Practitioner if they are severe or last more than a few days.
Ask your Practitioner today about the Detoxification program; they are trained to support and guide you and will help you on your journey to true health and vitality.