
May 24, 2017


Are you tired all the time? Do you fall into bed at the end of the day and, despite getting a full night’s sleep, still wake up feeling unrefreshed and fatigued? If you do not jump out of bed every morning with a spring in your step, you may be suffering from fatigue.
Most people today are living extremely stressful, busy lives, so it is normal to experience tiredness some of the time. This tiredness generally resolves itself after some rest and relaxation. Increasingly though, persistent, unremitting tiredness is becoming a major problem for a number of people. Fatigue is a common presenting complaint of many Australians and New Zealanders, but it is also often misunderstood and at times even dismissed, particularly if there is no easily identifiable cause.

Prolonged fatigue is one of the most commonly occurring complaints in primary practice with many patients presenting without overt pathology. This leads to great difficulty, in many cases, in determining the real drivers of this phenomenon.
As drivers take time to isolate and resolve, compliance is often challenging with the core symptom ranging from minor to debilitating.
The clinical manifestation fatigue include, difficulty concentrating, headaches, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle aches, joint aches, fever, difficulty sleeping, psychiatric problems (such as depression), allergies, abdominal cramps, weight loss or gain, rash, rapid pulse, chest pain, and night sweats.
The main treatment modalities include naturopathy, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, supported by diet and lifestyle advice. In treating fatigue, herbal medicine and nutritional supplement’s will nearly always be the strength of the treatment.
Acupuncture may be used throughout the treatment course to supplement the herbal medicine, but sometimes not at all. Whether or not acupuncture is used will largely depend on your “type” of fatigue, what symptoms you are experiencing, and how accessible you are to the clinic.
I tend to use acupuncture for relief of certain symptoms, rather than necessarily the treatment of the fatigue. Acupuncture can be very helpful when there is a lot of pain, as in body or joint aches (for example, as in fibromyalgia), or headaches. It is also very useful when stress and anxiety are a major complaint.
Your program will be made up of a series of ‘in clinic’ consultations. During each consultation, your condition will be discussed in detail and your herbal medicine prescription adjusted, if necessary.

Same of the nutritional supplements may include the following:

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